Sunday, 8 December 2013

The gym

If you told me I would be a gym person in the past, I would have laughed in your face.

"Gym people are bronze and shiny and vain!", I would have said.  "Why coop yourself up in a sweaty, grunty room with So Fresh 2005 pumping, when you could be honing your abs in the privacy of your own home?"

But on a whim, I got myself a membership.  And I am slowly eating my words (with a scoop of protein powder, of course). 

You see I didn't realise that in a town of 800, chances are you will be the only one there. No-one to perspire all over the exercise ball until it resembles Bert Newton's head! No-one to correct your squatting style! No-one to put you off with alarming birth-giving moans!

And I can blast Carly Rae Jepsen without a soul to judge me.

The gym: 3.5/5

Saturday, 7 December 2013

Short, just as sweet

Hello faithful and adulterous followers alike.

I have decided that Jane Rates You. reviews will now be limited to 150 words.  I have a serious rambling issue, and I fear that if I remain unrestricted you may end up faced with theses on my new doona cover, or my thoughts on double denim. (Which by the way, I am quite partial to.)

I hope you can support me in this new endeavour and appreciate my attempts to present convenient,  read-on-the-go reviews that enrich your lives in a way that no other pointless amateur blog can.

With much love, and less words,

Jane x